CSS: Lesson 8 - Understanding Floats

In chapter you will learn about floats.  What is a float. In the event you want to have three objects next to eachother you would use a float otherwise it will be underneath each other.  For example. 
Lets say you have one box <div>  and then you create another box <div>.  They initially will display on separate lines.  However, if you want them side by side then you float it to the left.  Please note you can also float to the right. Do the example below.
 <title>Learning CSS</title>

 <style >

 .bigfont {

 #blue {

 .underline {

 .bold {

 .greybox {
 background-color: grey;

 .redbox {
 background-color: red;
 float: right;

 .left {
 float: left;

 .clear {
 clear: both;




 <div class="redbox">

 <p class="large">This is some text.</p>


 <div class="greybox">

 <p id="blue" class="bigfont">This written with a Bigfont in the color blue.</p>


 <div class="clearfloat"></div>

 <p class="left"> This will be underlined , have a bigfont  and be bold =>  <span class="underline bigfont bold">THIS IS AWESOME</
span> -> wow that kind of cool .</p>





  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript
  • JQuery
  • PHP
  • MySQL
