CSS: Lesson 5 - IDs and Classes

In this exercise we will learn what the purpose of ids and classes are.  For now you can think of both ids and classes as identifiers (  In the Css world they are known as selectors).  So what you do is you apply an identifier (or selector ) to a tag.  Then within the style tag (located within the <head> tag) you would write a dot (.) if you identified the tag with a class  or a # if you identified the tag with an id. 
For example
 <P id=”blue”>  in the style tag you would write   #blue  to select that id and then apply the Css.
<P class=”blue”>  in the style tag you would write   .blue  to select that class and then apply the Css.
So what is the difference between id and class?  Well id are usually used for identifying and apply the css for one tag, while class is used for identifying many tags.

 <title>IDs and Classes for Learning CSS </title>

 <style type="text/css">

 .bigfont {

 #blue {

 .underline {

 .bold {

<p class="bigfont">you will notice that the first paragraph get the big font <p>
<p id=”blue”>  Classes and ID’s are very similar…. They identify the paragraph that you want to apply the css to.</p>
<p id="blue" class="bigfont">wow I didn’t know we can combine a class and an id within the same tag.</p>
<p>The third <span class="underline bigfont  bold">we can have many classes applied to a tag… here we are using the span tag… the span tag  doesn’t really do much as you can see but we can use it to just apply css, which is good enough for me J</span>. This text is after the span tag</p>




  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript
  • JQuery
  • PHP
  • MySQL
