CSS: Lesson 6 - What are DIVs?

Divs?  What are divs?  Think of divs as just generic tags.  We often use divs to create layouts by DIViding the page, which is how I believe it got its name, which we will do in one of your projects later.   For now lets just grasp the concept.  Our goal in this exercise is to
 <title>Divs Hmmm?</title>

 <style type="text/css">

 .bigfont {

 #purple {

 .underline {

 .bold {

 .redbox {

 .yellowbox {



 <div class="redbox">

 <p class="bigfont">This a red box with some big font J <p>


 <div class="yellowbox">

 <p id="green" class="large">This is a yellow box with some big font.</p>

 <p>the css of three classes has been applied to this ->   <span class="underline bigfont  bold">I am underlined big and bold</span> in this
paragraph is underlined.</p>





  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript
  • JQuery
  • PHP
  • MySQL
