CSS: Lesson 10 - Positioning

In chapter you will learn about positioning.  You can use positioning to overlap one box or object over another. How does it work.  You must first set  “position “  to relative.  When you set position to relative you are basically defining the the object’s starting position to where it is currently located. Then you can can use top , right , left or bottom to move the object around.  You can also set position to absolute.  When you do that you are moving the object ‘s starting point to the upper right hand corner of the parent div, then you can use top, right , left or bottom to move the object around. Use the example below and see how that works. 
 <title>Learning CSS</title>

 <style >

 .bigfont {

 #blue {

 .underline {

 .bold {

 .greybox {
 background-color: grey;
     position: relative;
     left: 100px;
     bottom: 200px;


 .redbox {
 background-color: red;





 <div class="redbox">

 <p class="bigfont">First Paragraph.</p>


 <div class="greybox">

 <p id="blue" class="bigfont">This written with a Bigfont in the color blue.</p>


 <p class="left"> This will be underlined , have a bigfont  and be bold =>  <span class="underline bigfont bold">THIS IS AWESOME</
span> -> wow that kind of cool .</p>





  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript
  • JQuery
  • PHP
  • MySQL
