HTML: Lesson 14 - Forms

Forms are a way for you website to collect information about prospective clients. The form uses a <form> tag and uses input tags to create the input <input > fields on the you website.
fig 1.

<input  type="text">   </input>
<input  type="email">   </input>
<input  type="submit">   </input>

In the fig 1. above you will notice that the input tag <input>  has an attribute called type.
You will notice that type has been set to "text".  this will allow you to set the input box as a text field.
if you would set your input type to "submit", then you would have the submit button to process the information in your form.  This will be covered later in the course in the PHP module.

You can play around with any of the following types and see what it displays:
for example:
<input type ="search">
<input type ="url">
<input type = "Password">



  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript
  • JQuery
  • PHP
  • MySQL
