Project 1 – my picture
The assignment for this project is to create a web page using the tags that we have learned thus far. This includes the Headings<h1> , Paragraphs <p>, Links < a href=” “> and Images <img src=” “>.
Please note that the answer will be given on the next page. So try to do this on your own. Referencing what you have learned is alright and acceptable because in the real world many professional developers use references.
Create the HTML skeleton. The title should be “My web page” ( between the head tag).
In the body. Create the title “Yourname’s Web Page” ( for example “John’s Web Page”) with the biggest heading tag.
Add your photo.
Add your name with <H3> tag . if your name is on the same line as your photo use the <BR> tag before the <H3> tag to put it on the next line. (NOTE: you don’t need a closing tag for the <BR> - The <BR> tag is one of the few tags that don’ t need a closing tag but for best practices purposes you can put the both the opening and closing tag <BR></BR>.
Create a link “lets go to GoogLe” the link should point to